Highs and lows of the movie Freddie Mercury, which is coming to the movies today


It was very easy to fall in love with this movie before seeing it. Even for the less fanatical. You just had to let yourself be carried away by the successes of your advancement. For the time being, even if it is only a tiny part of the legend of Freddie Mercury (1946-1991). For having had the opportunity to revisit on the big screen and at full volume some of his recitals. It was easy The entrance was already almost sold.

Bohemian Rhapsody the first film about Queen and her legendary leader – who arrives this Thursday in local cinemas – was full of production problems and expectations are not good friends of the final result, the film reaches to hit several tubes despite some disadvantages.

Therefore, for those who have not fallen in love with the movie in the past and are reluctant to see it or not, here are three reasons why they should start thinking about giving this movie a little love. . production on the good Freddie. On the other hand, for those who are waiting to be dazzled by Queen's lights and who leave wondering in front of a biopic to remember, some negatives are offered to qualify the enthusiasm and not to take any bad surprises.

What he does well

Rami Malek

His schizophrenic character of Mr. Robot made it known and it was only A matter of time before this 37-year-old Californian actor gets a protagonist at the cinema. He had to dance with a major challenge for which he had to use many layers of makeup – to mimic the younger Mercury scene – and a very strange false tooth. However, he has an exotic sensation – his parents are Egyptian – which corresponds to the Asian traits of Freddie Mercury – born in Zanzibar under the name of Farrokh Bulsara. Despite the fact that at first it is difficult to get used to his interpretation, Malek is more and more convincing as the film advances and transforms.


It was clear that it would be like that. All of Queen's hits are featured in her composition, recordings and even live performances. The rhythms of creation are not as agile as the film shows, but it is likely that listening to the first chords of Bohemian Rhapsody on the fingers of Mercury will have shivers. Although Malek does not sing in the film – what sounds is a mix between his voice and that of Marc Matel, a Mercury imitator – Freddie himself would be proud of the result.

The Live Aid

No Spoilers in Bohemian Rhapsody . We already know that Mercury died of complicated pneumonia from AIDS in 1991. In addition, one of the most memorable shows in history was given by Queen, who lasted less than twenty minutes and was on the English stage of Live Aid, a gigantic concert In 1985, it brings dozens of artists simultaneously to the United States and England. The mega-concert was a charity initiative to raise funds to fight famine in Africa. There, Queen presented six songs cut out in a presentation that will be chosen later as the best in rock history. Bohemian Rhapsody cleverly decides to open with his precedent and finish with a replica of what this concert was. It's impressive, it gives goosebumps and it's worth every weight of the entrance.

What's wrong

We notice the meanders

The idea of ​​ Bohemian Rhapsody was born in 2010 and at From this moment, three different actors will play Mercury – Sacha Baron Cohen, Ben Whishaw and finally Rami Malek – as well as several writers and directors. In the end was Bryan Singer, who appears as director in credits. However, he was not the one who finished the film, since Fox threw him in the trash for previous reports on badual harbadment that was discovered, repeated mistakes during filming and problems with Malek. He ended up taking over Dexter Fletcher. This break is evident in the film which has a different rhythm, alternates too much between the drama and the video clip and loses its strength when it is based on the privacy of Mercury, which should ultimately count more. The title says: it's a movie about a person and not about a band.

The Coldness

The figure of Mercury has gone down in history for his music, but also for his excessive celebrations, his hectic social and badual life and for his tragic fight against AIDS, who killed him at age 45. Although it is implicit that the frenzy was present, there is no special emphasis on it and you can hardly see a part that is, in fact, quite innocent. As if Mercury needed a claim, Bohemian Rhapsody softened many of the most controversial edges of his figure. Even their fight against HIV and the consequences of contracting the virus are coldly counted. His life, in Bohemian Rhapsody is, but is not. It's like decaffeinated coffee. And if one thing is certain, it is that Mercury did not miss caffeine.

Thanks for the music

If the film is removed from all the songs, it will end up being a pretty loose product that does not reach the degree of emotion of the life of Mercury. It is true that the production was thought of with music and was perhaps the most important thing in Queen's life. But when he unloaded all his ammunition on stage, the film weakens in the remaining minutes. So it's good news for the movie – and for the rest of humanity – that the Queen's legacy is so vast and magnificent.

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