Historic debt with England that Colombia will seek to solve in Russia


June 28, 2018 – 23:45
2018-06-28 From:

El País editorial

England will be Colombia's opponent in the Round of 16 World Cup, an opponent we We have faced several times before Throughout history

In total, the national team has faced the British five times with a record of two draws and three defeats. In addition, ours managed to score three goals and received 10.

The first match was on May 20, 1970, when the British arrived in Bogota to participate in the World Cup in Mexico, where they arrived. as current monarchs

(Also read: "I am very worried about James": Pékerman at the end of the match)

The wait was great in the capital of the Republic to see in action the champions of the world and figures of Bobby Charlton's stature, Gordon Banks, Bobby Moore. The match in the El Campin stadium ended with a 4-0 win for the British

After the engagement, an event occurred in which Captain Bobby Moore was involved: the loss of a bracelet in a jewelery store of the downtown hotel the British box was housed

The bracelet has never appeared, but the good offices of the leader Alfonso Senior Quevedo ( qepd) allowed the solution to the annoying stalemate of the English player.

The second time the two squadrons saw each other on May 24, 1988. The team guided by Francisco Maturana attended a visit for a friendly match. Colombia drew 1-1 at Wembley Stadium with the English, in the well-known goal of Picabarra's Andrés Escobar

(You might be interested in: A Dream Mine Colombia is in eighth of final in Russia) [19659014] A few years later, they found themselves at the mythical Wembley. We will always remember September 6, 1995 as a special date for Colombian football.

Although the match ends with a draw without annotations, the match will be in the spirit of the Tricolor & # 39; fans. thanks to the show starring René Higuita, who cleared a ball with an acrobatic move called the "scorpion" & # 39; , which surprised the world of football

The fourth match between the two nations was in the group stage of the World Cup in France in 1998. On June 26, they met on the ground of the Felix Boyaert stadium in Lens. The coffee growers, led by Carlos' Pibe & # 39; Valderrama, asked for a victory to advance in the second round; However, the Europeans put an end to the illusions of the Colombians after defeating them 2-0 in the result.

The English won with the score of Darren Anderson (minute 20) and David Beckham (minute 29) in the duel that marked Valderrama's farewell to the national team.

And the last time they measured the forces was in a friendly played on May 31, 2005 at Giants Stadium in New Jersey, United States. [Lirelasuite:A'10'worried!JamesretraitéblessintemlatchcontreleSénégal)

Colombia has prepared its double commitment against Peru and Ecuador for the elimination at the World Cup in Germany l & # 39; the following year, a contest that was not qualified

they imposed 3-2 with a hat trick by Michael Owen. For Colombia, which was guided by the strategist of Valle del Cauca, Reinaldo Rueda, Mario Alberto Yepes and Aldo Leao Ramirez have dismissed.

Now the story will be different. Colombia comes with a six year process with Néstor Pékerman and a consolidated base, while England has brought a young team to this World Cup, but with a lot of talent. His technician, Gareth Southgate, took over in September 2016 and wants to become a star of the orbital event.

Follow here: The 2018 World Country Special Russia, all you need to know about the world event

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