Hostage of the AFA? The future of Sampaoli continues in the air after a meeting with Argentine football leaders


The leaders of the Argentinean Football Association (AFA), Claudio "Chiqui" Tapia and Daniel Angelici led Jorge Sampaoli to the Argentinian bench, in as a substitute for Edgardo Bauza, after his departure in April last year in search of the lost leadership years ago in the trans-national team

But after the & # 39; In the painful elimination of the World Cup against Russia the leaders met in Moscow to evaluate the cycle of Casildense, in search of its exit. A fact that seems very far away.

The authorities have still not spoken officially to the coach, however, once the trans-national delegation arrives in Buenos Aires, we will know if the old University of Chile continues or does not order the # 39; Albiceleste. , according to Olé.

Tapia and Angelici would not ask him to resign at Sampaoli, without first hearing the technician's position. However, the bad game that Argentina has presented in World Cup, constant changes of opinion and in the tactical system, in addition to the supposed agreement that he would have concluded with the players at the time of badembly, the tattooed coach against the cuerdas .

For now, they do not plan to stop the technician from their position, but they would be willing to accept their resignation, to reach mutual agreement. Jorge Sampaoli's five-year contract, has a clause of about $ 20 million, an expense that the AFA would not be willing to make given the high figure that ties them to the company. Coach . he wants to make hasty decisions because it could cost him dearly. It will also be necessary to evaluate if the coach is ready to continue in a place where the atmosphere has changed abruptly. In addition, you should consider the resignations of Javier Mascherano and Lucas Biglia decision to which other players from the national team could also be added.

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