How did the passage from Queen to Argentina go?


The first visit of the Queen to Argentina in 1981 marked a before and after in the country. The English group arrived at its best, as part of their album's tour The Game accompanied by an unprecedented technical rollout for the local audience. Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon and Roger Taylor have summoned crowds in each of their shows around the planet, with their interesting proposal of rock stadium and its mighty hits (" We Will Rock You "," Someone to Love "," The Love of My Life ", " by Bohemian Rhapsody " ).

At the time, luck The country was in the hands of the dictatorship led by General Roberto Viola. The soldier was looking for an opening to the shows, which could have distracted the hard time lived without really knowing the message of the group in question.

The local producer was Alfredo Capalvo a distant man. rock, which also brought figures such as Julio Iglesias. Queen's concerts in the country were announced as part of the Vélez Sarfield club's carnival celebrations. On March 28 and 3, the famous group would perform in Buenos Aires. I will also give a show in Mar del Plata, on March 4 at the "Mundialista" stadium and on the 6 th in Rosario, in the "Gigante de Arroyito."

The arrival

Queen lands on February 27 in Ezeiza , on a flight from Japan. Many fans waited for the arrival of the musicians in the airport lobby. Everyone wanted to know their idols closely. Some photographers and journalists have also arrived with the idea of ​​having some contact. A long caravan of supporters, as well as security guards, accompanied them to a downtown hotel.

Freddie, Brian, John and Roger were surprised at the reception. They realized that the next few days would be very special, full of energy. The official meeting with the press took place during a conference on the parking of Vélez, before the beginnings. Some international media, such as the magazine Rolling Stone came to the country to present the event.

  Queen presented an imposing scene for the time (Photo-Hair magazine).
Queen presented an imposing scene

"Queen's visit was a completely unusual event for the country and for what the international music market represented, for the first time a group important has agreed to go down to Latin America with all the richness of his music and a strong staging, "he recalled Juan Manuel Cibeira to La Viola, editor of the music magazine Pelo. "It's a big media impact, even with time constraints, that has pushed non-music journals and magazines to get behind the musicians," he added.

  Freddie Mercury, Daniel Ripoll (editor of Pelo magazine) and Juan Manuel Cibeira (publisher of Pelo) (photo taken from the book,
Freddie Mercury, Daniel Ripoll (editor-in-chief of Pelo magazine) and Juan Manuel Cibeira (publisher of Pelo) (photo taken from the book, "The rock bible")


For the setting up of the stage, a team of technicians worked, many came from Japan (where Queen came to occur) a few days ago to finalize the details.The equipment arrived in a container, with a structure of 20 meters to the front and 12 meters deep where the five Lighting columns were suspended, with 70 lamps each, handled by one person, "he said.The Viola the decorator Miguel Paradiso, who worked in the army.

" This great structure had a roof in case it was raining, it was a the thick, they made it in Japan, but badly, and they asked me if I could reduce that surface. " I worked all night with a machine. When they saw what we could achieve, they could not believe it. "

All these beautiful landscapes had to be badembled and disarmed to be able to transport trucks to Mar del Plata and Rosario." It was my turn to travel with the structure before organizing it for each show, seven people from my team accompanied me, who worked so well and who followed the tour with Queen in Brazil, "said Paradiso.


Queen's debut in Argentina took place on March 28th. A full stadium enjoyed the songs, a review of his career, where every theme encouraged the spirit of the fans. It was something never seen in the country . Each of the musicians, with Mercury in the lead, let themselves go to the delirium of the followers who did not stop singing and dancing.

  Cover of the show in the magazine Pelo.
Cover of the show in the Pelo magazine 19659009] The first s songs to sound were " We'll rock you ", "Let me entertain you", "Play of Game" and " Somebody to Love ". According to the show, the 40,000 spectators in the stadium vibrated with "Fat Bottomed Girls", "Love of My Life", "a crazy little thing called Love " and "Keep Yourself Alive". The hymn did not fail "Bohemian Rhapsody", punctuated by all, and a luxury ending in "We Will Rock You", "We are the champions" and the traditional "God save the Queen" ", which marked

One of the recitals was Diego Maradona and he was able to take a picture with the group wearing a shirt with the English flag and Freddie with the shirt of the Argentine National Team In all shows – in Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata and Rosario – the same degree of madness and pbadion has been experienced.

  Maradona, with the queen.
Maradona, with the queen.

"The presentations were awesome. The band worked in an awesome sound and light setting beyond the clbadics, a mix of epic and mystical, a mighty rock band with a absolutely unique singer, one of the great groups in the history of music ", remembers Cibeira with La Viola.

He also told a curious anecdote that shows the degree of madness of the group. "At the end of one of the concerts in Vélez, many people were waiting for the departure of the musicians.The cars that had to move the group to the hotel were accompanied by journalists and guests, all for confusing them, then they began to work Freddie was dealing with a van of the federal police used to transfer detainees, in a very amusing situation. "

Zas was the opening group . An experiment for the group commissioned by Miguel Mateos . "It was a wonderful thing for us, the kickoff of our career, I did not think we were going so far, we had very few concerts before Vélez, in some pubs. We were very young, but we had many dreams ]"recalled the singer at La Viola

  Queen, on the cover of Pelo magazine
Queen, on the cover of Pelo magazine.

"I met Brian May and we were able to I was not so fanatical about Queen at the time, I thought his music was half Baroque, The band was began to love me later. I was going through a different musical scene in my life – the extraordinary level of Freddie Mercury and Brian as a guitarist, an incredible rock band, "added Mateos.

The pbadage of Queen by Argentina, in this summer of 1981, marks a before and after . The music industry is interested in South America, which has found an important market that has grown over the years. Argentina has become an interesting place for international artists. Nothing was the same after this first step of "the queen".

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