Huachipato reacted in time and saved a draw against the U in the National | Sports


University of Chile had everything to ensure three points by playing home at the National Stadium against Huachipato but it ended up getting complicated before the steel melt, which reacted to time and managed to match match 2-2 .

The U was superior in the overall procedure of the match during the first half. Huachipato only sometimes left the control of the opponent and, yes, caused a danger. At 21 minutes, Panamen Gabriel Torres could score the first goal, but Johnny Herrera saved in great form, preventing the conquest.

The action that was broken by the visit proved to be fatal because in the next maneuver, the local could celebrate the first goal. Benegas shot, from left to right, the ball was deflected in Federico Pereyra and the match began to show a partial winner (21)).

After half-time, the stewards managed the ball and the game was still on the U-court. At 50 a free-kick from Jimmy Martinez hit the crossbar on the left post, Herrera the ball, by the power and location of the shipment . At that time, it was more Huachipato and the local decided to retire near his bow.

Under these conditions, university students devoted themselves to the counter-attack. At first, the advances did not prosper, because the visit stopped them in their gestation. Up to 61 ", the place was successful: Soteldo left alone on the left and helped Isaac Diaz, who had replaced Benegas, to score 2-0 .

Huachipato continued his tonic and was not discouraged by the adversity. The Venezuelan Charlis Ortiz had already entered and then Javier Parraguez was added, so with Torres they formed a front-center trio in attack. The bet paid to Nicolás Larcamón: Parraguez discounted, at 70 º, from a head, after an excellent center of Baeza .

The U continued with its position of withdrawal and fast deformation in attack and therefore had some chances of scoring. However, in the end it was the steels that had a fair price for the territorial domination and the balloon: Federico Pereyra equalized, at 89 ', decreeing the 2-2 against the Blues . [ad_2]
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