Hundreds of thousands of Reddit users have been banned on behalf of Thanos, the villain of Infinity War


The perfect balance has reached Reddit. A subreddit dedicated to Thanos, the villain of Infinity War fulfilled his promise to "ban" half of his subscribers on behalf of the Crazy Titan, which is technically the largest mbad purge of the story of Reddit, but the process of prohibition is quite pathetic.

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Would you like to know if Thanos would kill you in the real world? Take part in this mbadive purge in Reddit

A subreddit is preparing to ban nearly 200 000 users who have nothing …

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If you don't … Have not seen Infinity War read at your own risk.

We all know what happens at the end of War in the Infinity . After almost three hours of tension, action and death of some of the most beloved characters in this movie universe (like Loki, who is the real culprit of all this), Thanos managed to get the six gems infinitely his fingers, which have made half of the population of the universe disappear.

Many Reddit users believe that Thanos did nothing wrong (in fact, that's the name of the subreddit) and pay homage to the world's biggest villain. The story of Marvel decided to do the same thing in their subreddit, find the perfect balance. In this way, the proposal to ban half r / ThanosDidNothingWrong subscribers was born, and they did so. More than 300,000 subscribers were randomly selected to be banned, or rather, to ban them, if they follow the rules.

r / ThanosDidNothingWrong moderators, after requesting permission from Reddit administrators, used a platform tool to randomly select who should leave, and issued it by Twitch.

Thanos on Reddit.
Screenshot: Twitch.

Even Thanos himself, or at least Josh Brolin, the actor who plays it, gave his blessing to the purge.

Shortly after, users deleted by Thanos' work and grace began receiving notices of his virtual "death" on the subreddit.

However, the "ban" does not automatically remove the subscription / / or ThanosDidNothingWrong, but victims should prohibit it, as explained by the email that governs the users who were "Eliminated" by Thanos.

The finale, it is a symbolic plague that made both the fans of Infinity War and the makers of the film in the Marvel studios laugh. If you are wondering what happened to the "banished", the answer is that they subscribed to another subroutine called r / InTheSoulStone, which is part of a theory that the victims of Thanos in the movie is not really dead, but their souls are trapped in the gem of the soul. [Reddit (1) (2) (3) (4) / Twitch / Josh Brolin]

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