"I am dismayed": the psychologist Nicolás López breaks the silence


This time it was not his award-winning films that brought the famous director Nicolás López to the front pages of newspapers and magazines, but terrible testimonies that put him at the center of the complaint of harbadment and badual abuse on the part of

In the same way that it brought him to the cover of Saturday Magazine, the anxiety led the director to consult the psychologist Lita Donoso, from very young until 2004.

The professional "Regarding the allegations of abuse involving Nicolás López, I want to share my position on this subject", he begins by saying on his Instagram account the professional immediately warn that "all of them. first, I must say that my oath of office does not allow me to talk about patients or patients. I will only mention known and public facts. "

" Nicolas López was my patient until 2004, when he was 21 years old. Then he preferred other kinds of therapies and not the one that I started to develop at that time. Like everyone else, I am appalled by the level and severity of the charges. All my life I have worked with women and in this case, I support them without restriction, "said Donoso

The psychologist also says that she started working with López when he was seven years old There, she saw in "him a luminous and luminous child of great talents." On the contrary, he deplores the current situation because Nicolás is "very different from the 35-year-old man who caused so much damage to so much I think that talents should be used for the good of all and for everyone. "

He also appealed to the ability to punish the victims and the redemption of the director. "I am one of the people who believe in the Law of Cause and Effect, but I also believe in the capacity of redemption of the human being.I hope with all my heart that Nicolás can repair and that the victims can cure. "

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