"I am not a stalker or an aggressor": Nicolás López defends himself and ensures that he does not know what's going on


In the morning, Nicolás López's lawyer, Paula Vial, came to declare in a statement that the serious charges against the director were not true.

"Concerning the charges published today in Saturday Magazine, on behalf of Nicolás López, I would like to emphasize that we will evaluate the legal actions that are relevant to defend their honor," says the text, adding that "in the publication of this day, there are false statements and other decontextualized, he is not an abuser and this will be demonstrated by our actions. "

Reactions against the filmmaker as "What a shame your life" and "I'm not crazy" They have not waited and it's López himself who went out to criticism in the last minutes.

"I defend the right to denounce any type of abuse", he began to say through Instagram, adds He does not understand what is happening or the break of the relationships of trust and of affection for years.

"If at times I have been lost, I apologize, but I am not a stalker or an abuser," he says.


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