"I told you so": the "advice" of Diego Costa that Hierro has not heard in the Spanish elimination | International


In Spain the reactions always occur after the surprise elimination of their national team in the last 16 of the 2018 World Cup, after suffering penalties against the local Russia.

Last Sunday at the Luzhniki Olympic Stadium in Moscow seemed to be heading for the Spaniards, thanks to the goal against Ignashevich at 11 minutes. But a Spades hand was sanctioned as a penalty and Dzyuba scored equalization at 41 " a result that has not changed in the rest of the time regular and extra.

Thus came the penalties, where Russia was exact and took advantage of the failures of Koke and Aspas to advance and trigger the Spanish laments. But the story of the first prison marked by the & # 39; Red Fury & # 39; gave a new detail, revealed by the cameras of the TV channel Four.

In the recording, you can see the moment when the coach Fernando Hierro ] wanted to define the list of shooters of the series, where he consults his badistants and even the players. Then decides that Koke will shoot the third and he will appear the figure of the striker Diego Costa his teammate at the Atlético de Madrid, who comes quickly to say something to the captain Sergio Ramos and then DT

The images implicate Costa's doubts about the election, while Hierro badures that Koke is fine and the interrogator himself reiterates . What happened next? Koke ends, Akinfeev saves and Costa watches the coach, doing a series of gestures and dedicating a phrase that could be read on the lips: "I told you so" . The rest was greetings and support from the Brazilian nationalized Spanish, but the footage was already recorded.

Excellent! The secret history of Koke Prison with Diego Costa: "I told you!" pic.twitter.com/Sx8LKFsepW

– Fernando Carlos (@ fercarlos75) July 3, 2018

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