"I want to be a woman" Glamorama


Author: CZ / 29 Jun 2018

"I have submitted a letter of interest, which is made there, in Sweden, to operate on me.I want to be a woman." [19659003] With this sentence, Leo Méndez Jr. revealed in Vertigo that he made the decision to have an operation to be a woman. DJ Méndez's son explained the reasons in the "lawsuit" that the Channel 13 star is making his guests.

In addition, Leo confessed that at the age of 9 he suffered badual abuse. See what he said in Vertigo:

Leo Méndez: "I am very honest with myself.Lastly, I have gone through a really difficult, too difficult period, because before, in fact, i know what i want.I want to lose weight to be more woman.The last time, when i came, i said i was a transbadual but I'm really going to break all the rules of my psychologist because I visit a psychologist twice a week, because I'm at a stage where I get to know myself "

Diana Bolocco: "And what are the rules that you will break that your psychologist has told you?"

Méndez: ] "Because I have submitted a letter of interest, that is done there, in Sweden, to operate on me.I want to be a woman I really did not want to do it publicly, but it's like if the story is repeated When I came out of the closet, they pointed to me and they said that it was very obvious, that it happened almost now, because I receive reviews, comments, & # 39; it shows you want to be a woman & # 39 ;, because my closet is full of women's clothing "

Bolocco: " The last time you were here, and we talked about this same subject, you told us that you were gay, that you like men "

Méndez: " And I am super confident with that. "

Bolocco: " You also told us, sorry to interrupt you, that you were shemale, that is to say that there are days that you like dress up as a man and everyone else you like Dress up as a woman Do you think you should define yourself more about it? Is it a requirement that you impose yourself, imposed by your environment, social networks? "

Méndez: " It is that I find that I have to give myself more time. I have to maintain my privacy for myself. So now, I'm doing it publicly, because I'm tired, I'm tired of being told "you do not have your bads pure" or that you just need to operate on the intimate part . I make this public so that they really stop asking me, because it's very difficult for me personally. I went through a topic of depression in which sometimes I'm disgusted, because I'm taking women's pants, sometimes I notice a lot 'package' and for me it is super complicated "

Bolocco: " But you say you are disgusted? "

Méndez: " There are days that I do and I am very complicated about it "

Martín Cárcamo: " You are going through extreme emotional states, because of the definition … "

Méndez: "This is not a definition. It's a stage where I get to know myself "

Cárcamo: " How old are you? "

Méndez: " 21 years "

Cárcamo: " And this decision to operate took you? "

Méndez: "This is an irreversible change. You have to be 100% sure. We can not arrive and say, overnight, "I want to operate." I can not. I must be very sure. Now I am learning to know. In fact, I now occupy myself as two shorts to hide the intimate part, because it complicates me "

Bolocco: " You know what, Leo? There is something that worries me about your speech, and I tell you with all the affection of my mother, because my son is a little younger than you. I could be your mother. It worries me that you say that you want to operate to please others, so that the rest stops bothering you. "

Méndez: " Maybe I did not express myself well. Not only do I do it so that the rest prevents me from worrying. I let the public know what I really think, because it is very difficult for me, because I can not come and decide "tomorrow I want to operate, now". It's an irreversible change. "

Bolocco: " And what does your family tell you? "

Méndez: " That I must love myself and know myself. I must get to know myself. Because I have changes in attitude, humor. I was locked in my room for days. Sometimes I walk as in a body that is not mine and there is no day. For this reason I repeat that it is a difficult period "

Bolocco: " To what do you attribute it? Have you managed to give an explanation for these changes of mind, at those times when you do not want to leave your room and face the world? "

Méndez: " Yes, but I'm not really ready to speak it, because it was a dark period of my life. I, at 9 years old, I suffered badual abuse. Like the things of life, this person does not exist today. He was in a coma, but he did not wake up. I will not say who put him in a coma, but I know this person. But that person did not really know what this person had done to me "- I HERE THE VIDEO – –

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