"I want to win the championship with Bayern": James


The Colombian has spoken in Miami, USA, where the German team is doing the pre-season. The midfielder has already joined the practices of the Bundesliga champion

James Rodríguez (right) with his new coach, Croatian Niko Kovac. Bayern Munich

It was an arrival in the style of a movie star: pictures everywhere, autographs for fans, smiles, poses and a lot of joy. Not only fans who arrived at the airport of Miami or those who were there by chance, also on the side of James Rodriguez, who came to the United States to join Bayern Munich who currently performs his pre-season in North American territory

The Colombian footballer, who spent a vacation period with his family in Medellin, had the opportunity to talking to his new coach, the Croatian Niko Kovac and, subsequently, gave a short press conference in which he talked about what happened in Germany and aspirations that he has to Regarding a new season approaching

Rodríguez is 27 years old

"I want to win the Champions League with Bayern", was the first answer that he gave to the 27-year-old midfielder when he was asked about the main goal that he will have with his team , which is also He referred. "We have a very homogeneous team and it 's important to be able to face two very strong tournaments at the same time, I think it' s the success to go far: to have a competitive group. and compact, "he said. Neither Madrid nor James have asked to return "

As for the rumors of his departure and a possible change of scenery, James was frank and left no room for speculation." I am very happy here and I want to stay long. When I look back and see what I did in my first year, it motivates me more. Let's not forget that Bayern Munich will face Pep Guardiola's Manchester City this Saturday against the International Cup, an event that Bayern Munich will face next Saturday. great clubs in Europe to prepare everything for the demanding calendar of the Old Continent

Press conference with @jamesdrodriguez : "I know that there are a lot of rumors, but I am very happy to Munich, that's my wish and I just think of the #FCBayern ! " #MiaSanMia #AudiFCBtour #VisitingFriends pic.twitter.com/0clVazaKTE

– FC Bayern Spanish (@FCBayernES) July 28, 2018

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