"I will never be complicated": Nicolás Monckeberg


Nicolás Monckeberg participated in the latest version of "La divina comida" with Gabriela Hernández, Maca Ramis and Daniel Morón, where he showed a casual facet because he was singing, putting up scribbles and cooking quite good for his guests. except a sauce that burned it.

But this is not what has attracted the attention of viewers, but social networks have been a treat when the Labor Minister said that he was 45 years old because for many It is more of a time when a festival of memes is born where it is compared to older characters who look younger, like Beto Cuevas (51 years old), Felipe Avello (44 years old) Tom Cruise (56) and Yoda (900).

See how he had taken the leseo we spoke with Monckeberg and he was in a good mood. When he found him older, he said: "At first I thought it was a compliment for my maturity, for the intelligence I was projecting (joking), then I realized it was a few kilos more, so I decided today (yesterday) morning Call the first lady (Cecilia Morel) and tell her that I need an urgent quota for Elige Vivir Sano

– Is she committed to dieting?

Of course, imagine, now I am involved complete government, if the failure in this challenge will involve a drop in government and mining investigations (he jokes), and I would question the "Choose to live healthy" program and there will be a boy on the left who will benefit from being overweight. to say that the program is useless, I am now doubly obliged to respect this right.

– He has a very sede life ntaire …

Of sedentary, very little, I even do sports, the truth is that not so much, as messy and as bad, a lot of nonsense, I have the bad habit, for example , Eat a lot of appetizers, lots of snacks, a lot of Chester, a lot, so I think it's more because of the mess than the quantity. And so I play sports, I jog at least twice a week, imagine what it would be if I did not play sports.

– How many kilograms do you think you will get off?

How do you engage me in public! Listen, I'm going down to the first meme that says I'm the same age as Sergio Lagos (45 years old).

– What do you think about memes?

Several people made me laugh. there was a 60-year-old man who compared him to me, and I'm only 45 years old. At first, I thought it was a compliment for my maturity, but then I realized that it was a real bullying.

– As for the dress and the hairstyle … would I change to look more lolo?

I should dye my hair and know what, I would not change the dress or the hairstyle and if I lost weight, it was to have an improve my health, live longer, enjoy my friends, my family and my country that I love.

– Zero Complex …

Believe me the last thing I would do in life is complex because of my physical appearance. And the truth is that I never cared about fashion when I dressed, if I told the program that I went to the gym with a swimsuit and that they were surprised.

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