Inch, the Chilean who can replace one of the world's revelations


Uruguayan Lucas Torreira excelled in Russia and went from Sampdoria to Arsenal. Thus, the ex-Catholic could take the place that he left in the Genoese club.

The World Cup is gone and leaves some legacy in the European summer pbad market. Lucas Torreira, for example, was one of the revelations in Russia in 2018, which is why he ended up going from Sampdoria to Arsenal, England. Who could replace the Uruguayan in the Genovese club? Erick Pulgar

Chile was last season one of the Bologna figures, institution that set a minimum floor of 15 million euros to sell at the wheel (and rejected an offer of Sbaduolo). Now, Sampdoria, with money in his account (he collected about 30 million euros with the transfer of Torreira), would go to charge by the player of the Chilean national team and make an interesting proposal.

Who competes in this career with the former Catholic university? The Argentine Rodrigo Battaglia (Sporting de Lisboa) is the other option.

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