"Insatiable": The controversial Netflix series which is accused of overweight embarrassing people


  Protagonist of the Unscrupulous

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Patty suffers from an accident and loses a lot of weight.

A series of Netflix has caused great controversy in social networks. And it has not been published yet.

Here's "Insatiable", which tells the story of Patty, an overweight teenager who gets teased by her clbadmates, until she loses weight during the holidays of # 39; summer.

D es which came out on trailer e n July the program was accused of "embarrbading" the people with extra kilos

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More than 116,000 people signed a petition on the platform C [19659019] hange.org to stop its launch, scheduled for August 10. "We have time to prevent the launch of this series and cause devastating doubts among young people who think that to be happy and worthy, they must lose weight," says Florence Given, a feminist illustrator who began l & # 39; application. 19659022] However, some users in social networks defend the broadcast saying that it is a black comedy

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Legend of the Image [19659005] The main actress claims that the physical transformation of her character does not make Patty happy.

Why did this program attract so much attention?


Patty is played by Debby Ryan, who wears a suit to look like a person with extra pounds.

Clbadmates call her "Fatty Patty" (Patty, La Gordita).

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During a fight, Patty gets a punch in the face and he spends the summer without being able to open his jaw .

As a result, loses a significant amount of weight.

The teenager returns to school and surprises her clbadmates with her new appearance.

But Patty takes revenge on those who make fun of her

Lauren Gussis, the creator of the series, said that the story is based on her experience. She confessed that she had felt suicidal at the age of 13 and that she had developed eating disorders.

"Harmful and irresponsible"

The illustrator who initiated the petition to C hange.org considers that " and this series will cause eating disorders icios and perpetuate the reification of women ".

"For a long time, the society told women that, to be popular, to have friends, to be desirable, one must be thin.

Actress and positivist activist Jameela Jamil also interviewed the show



             Skip @jameelajamil's Twitter number

Not very much in the premise of Fatty Patty … a teenager stops eating and loses weight and then when "conventionally attractive" gets revenge on clbadmates? It's always telling kids to lose weight to "win". Shame is inherent and quite overwhelming.

– Jameela Jamil (@jameelajamil) July 20, 2018

End of @jameelajamil's Twitter post number

"(…) a teenager stops eating and loses weight and then, when she is already "conventionally attractive", she takes revenge on her clbadmates? "intrinsically embarrbades overweight people," he tweeted

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Stephanie Yeboah, fashion blogger Big Size, believes that this story does "nothing to promote the positivity of the body."

"Representing a fat person (…) who loses weight against their will and who becomes respected and popular is ] dangerous and irresponsible "Yeboah told the BBC. [196] 59007] In his opinion, shows that show that ideologies [19659009] fathophobes & # 39; (phobia of body fat) "are harmful.

"Fat women can be desirable, bady, popular at school, we can have incredible careers and families.We deserve to be told these stories."

A user has also criticized the protagonist wearing a disguise to appear fat.

"Do not see programs where people are wearing big suits Do not see programs where they are trying to turn fathobia and hate into jokes," tweeted Amanda Levitt. "

But" Insatiable "also Defenders

"Wait and see"

Netflix describes the series as a "dark comedy and twisted on revenge."

Patty joins him on the show Bob Armstrong (played by Dallas Roberts), the coach of a great beauty contest that prepares the young woman to win the

Bob's wife is performed by Alyssa Milano, who also justified the plot of the show

"We are not embarrbaded Patty. We approached (by comedy) the damage that makes someone ashamed of their weight … ", tweeted the actress.

Lauren Gussis, creator of show, said that the story is based on his experience.

Patty is the demon of his "inner teenager who was a victim of intimidation ", told the review Teen Vogue .

This means that Gussis had the purpose of "Using Satire to Solve Painful Problems" .

Ryan, who plays Patty, stated that he was attracted by "the intention of the show to show how difficult and scary it is to move the world with his own body, that he praises it or that he criticizes it, and what it does to pray to be ignored because it's easier than to be seen, "he said

" I hope people will see the program ahead of time To issue a "

In social networks, comments multiplied on the erie

In one of them, a user named Lauren tries to settle the discussion:

"The important thing in the new Insatiable series is that:

1. You do not have to see it

2. This is the black comedy

3. Surprise him "

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