Instagram: Angie Jibaja asks the support of the Minister of Women after the threats of the person who attacked her | Photo | Ana Maria Mendieta | Shows


After Angie Jibaja said that she was badaulted by Miguel Aquije the Peruvian model asked the Minister of Women through her Instagram account to see her case because it is threatened by the owner of The Emolientería and fears for his life

The singer and actress asked the help of Ana María Mendieta because she receives constant threats from Miguel Aquije. "Madam Minister of Women, Ana María Mendieta, I am writing to you as a citizen to examine my case concerning the threats that I have received from Miguel Aquije Chávez who sent me wildly beaten a few days ago, my life and that of my family, "said the model on Instagram

YOU CAN SEE Angie Jibaja reappears in a video clip after suffering an badault on Miraflores

publication accompanied by an image in which she was Go with your face beaten.As we recall, Angie Jibaja reported that he was beaten by the owner of The Emolientería when he was in his apartment accompanied by his partner Bryan Bajak 19 years

"He brutally badaulted me, my finger is broken (l & # 39; Review) has thrown a lot of injuries, they've found me shots everywhere, it's an attempt to feminicide, "he remarked Angie Jibaja his wounds in parts of his body.

Fans of Angie Jibaja liked the publication and also expressed their solidarity with the actress for the terrible blows that she received.



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