Instagram: Maluma after sharing the controversial picture shines with his girlfriend | PHOTO | Trade | TV | Farándula


Maluma generated a great deal of controversy after sharing a photo on his Instagram account in which he appears in a bed with seven semi-bad models.

The striking publication had relevance and in a few hours exceeded one million. love ".

The picture is part of the shooting of the video clip of the song "Mala Mía" which plays Maluma with the Bad Rabbit of Puerto Rico.The staging has not yet been published, but she is already beginning to speak.

Some Instagram users have disapproved of this picture through their comments, even claiming that the picture is really obscene and that it is dedicated to those who doubt their baduality.

Following criticism, Maluma ] avoided pronouncing, but he shared a photo with his girlfriend, model Natalia Barulích .The picture shows the couple traveling in a very happy plane.

Maluma is one of the artists of the moment, with only 24 years old, the singer has earned a place in the music industry to the point of gaining more fans every day, to both in their concerts and on their social networks, Facebook and Instagram.

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