Instagram: Millie Bobby Brown and Jacob Sartorius End Their Relationship | PICTURES Trade | TV


Millie Bobby Brown and Jacob Sartorius terminate their relationship after six months of being together. The old couple used Instagram to disclose the details of the separation.

The protagonist of Stranger Things was the first to pronounce on the subject in a story by Instagram .

"The decision made between Jacob and me was completely mutual, we are both happy and we remain friends," wrote Millie Bobby Brown.

On his side, the singer Jacob Sartorius ] 15, also published that the relationship with Millie Bobby Brown came to an end and that they are now friends.

Millie Bobby Brown and Jacob Sartorius had the custom of their faithful to share pictures of the different places they visited together and toured the singer.

Millie Bobby Brown became famous in the Netflix fiction series "Stranger Things" a few years ago. The third season of the series in the 80s will be released in the middle of the year 2019.

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