Instagram: the tender love story of Néstor Pitana, referee of the 2018 Russian final | PICTURES Trade | Total sports


"Congratulations my love, my heart explodes with joy," wrote Romina Ortega on Instagram Thursday when she learned that her husband, the Argentine referee Néstor Pitana was appointed to administer justice Next Sunday in the grand final of the 2018 Russia World Cup.

The designation – which means motivation for South American football after the elimination of its five representatives – means a new opportunity to know the love story between the referee and the mother of his minor children.

Romina Ortega – like Pitana – is from Misiones. Enjoy a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

The couple is married in 2015. A year earlier, he had played in several electronic media notes that – at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil – highlighted the beauty of Romina.

Néstor Pitana is one of South America's most outstanding referees. His appointment means the second of an Argentine followed by an instance of such importance. In Brazil 2014 was Horacio Elizondo.

In Instagram Romina Ortega has just over seven thousand disciples, with whom she usually shares photos of romantic evenings with the referee, and also with her young children.

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