Inter wants to sign Modric to play Champions | Sports


Inter, in the year of his return to the Champions League, wants to shine again in Italy and Europe: having closed the signatures of De Vrij, Asamoah, Lautaro Martínez, Nainggolan, Politano and, just tonight, Vrsaljko now wants another big name for his midfielder. I would have an agreement with Bayern for Arturo Vidal (the badignment for two seasons plus option to buy would cost a total of 20 million), but tonight the real dream nerazzurro was unveiled: Luka Modric [19659002] According to Sky the Italian directive already had contacts with the agents of Real Madrid, which for its part would not have rejected the idea. In the Inter already three Croatians as Brozovic, Perisic and the newcomer Vrsaljko and, apparently, just with them reportedly talked about this possibility at the last Cup of the world.

the operation is very complicated, but in the summer when Juve signed Cristiano, Inter wants to try: in the coming days he will understand if there is really an option, or if it will be necessary to come back for Vidal. A luxury alternative

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