Isaac Díaz y Cobreloa: We can not look at any team less


The Before Universidad de Chile Isaac Diaz announced Tuesday the match that Azul will face against Cobreloa this Saturday at the National Stadium, [19659003] the first round of the quarter-finals of Copa Chile .

"We can not look at any team less, Colchagua has eliminated O. Higgins and it's a great merit.If we put ourselves above, we start badly." Cobreloa played a good game and qualified.Now we have to face it and we have to go fight without thinking that they are in a lower category "he said.

On the other hand, he commented on U's chances of raising the local trophy for nothing. "

" First was to pbad Colchagua and now Cobreloa comes to us. We do not think we are the favorites, we have to go win match by match to be well trained in team at the beginning of the championship "he explained.

In addition, the attacker thanked the opportunities he had to play with the arrival of coach Frank Darío Kudelka noting that " makes me happy to score, I needed him and it's a plus for the team.I hope to continue on this path and try to contribute as much as possible, that every time I touch to be able to show that I must score and continue to score . "" It is complicated to wait for an option, but when you play, you must have the coldness at key moments to throw it and be a reliable option in matches.I am calm and quietly working for the team.The other day I played and scored two goals . "

On rotations that allowed him to add minutes, Diaz said that" when these situations occur all positions are renewed, then it is necessary to play again completely . "

" There are players who are or are not of the taste of the technician, so when a new one arrives, he has to start from scratch. Many of us have had more play and that 's thanks to the technical staff who sees the options and we take advantage of the opportunities that arise, we are very comfortable with this situation and the power offensive that he imposes . it refers to the arrival of reinforcements to the blue casting, which only joined Sebastián Ubilla for the second part of the year

" The U players to face these two tournaments, which is what we have in the head, there are more.As players of this institution, we have to face it and the players are there to do it. ", closed.

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