It does not hide! Pato Laguna confessed after completing a week of filtering her intimate video


After revealing a badual video with her ex-partner Yanina Halabi, the model commented that he had taken refuge in his family to "pbad the shower".

It was not an easy week for Patricio Laguna. The model, who was involved in a bad video with her ex-partner, Yanina Halabi, commented on how this week has gone since the images were revealed.

In conversation with La ​​Cuarta Pato Laguna baderted that: " I decided to continue my life as she is. it hurts me, it was shameful, but I will not fall in love with malicious people. "" This was a painful problem in the early days, very shameful, but I'm not going to decline.There are people to whom such a case can take them a little weaker.They begin to read social networks, where there are people who express their rage against the others, but I'm not those comments "adds the model.

Precisely on the consequences caused by the video leak, it is that two of the 12 brands with which he works have decided not to continue working with him to whom he had inevitably words: " We must bear the rain "

. his physical state questioned: " I work from that and in general I'm fine, maybe we had a break at some point, but that's even, because these comments do not interest me. And, well, the truth is that now I am very rich, hahaha ", closed.

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