It was not a good Christmas on Wall Street: the New York Stock Exchange had the worst Christmas Eve in history


The Dow Jones Industrials, the main indicator of Wall Street, lost 2.91%, or 653.17 points, while the S & P 500, selective, lost 2.71%, or 65.52 units, the composite index of the Nasdaq market lost 2.21%, or 140.08 whole.

Christmas did not bring gifts to markets, but rather coal. All indicators fell by more than 2% and the S & P 500 finally stood on the edge of the bear market during a half-day session on the worst Christmas Eve memorized in Wall Street and December the most disturbing since the Great Depression.

The Dow Jones Industrial, the main indicator of Wall Street retreats by 2.91%, or 653.17 points, while the S & P 500 Selective Index lost 2 , 71%, or 65.52 units, the Nasdaq composite market index lost 2.21%, or 140.08 whole.

While investors worried about symptoms for weeks. slowdown in international economic growth and US trade tensions. Regarding China, its concerns have been joined in recent hours by the closure of the US government, a blockade that is on its third day in a row due to the lack of a budget agreement between Republicans and the Democrats.

President Donald Trump took pity on himself to be "completely alone" in the presidential mansion and was relieved by Twitter before the situation.

"I'm all alone (poor me) at the White House in the expectation of the return of Democrats an agreement on border security is absolutely necessary If, at some point, Democrats do not want to reach to an agreement, it will cost our country much more than the wall of the border … What madness! "

a lot of nervousness on the markets, but also in the White House, where Trump also accuses the President of the Reserve Federal (Fed), Jerome Powell, of the situation of the markets, after that of the same leader of the Fed Trump supposed that, thanks to the new government, the wall Street had not stopped bringing in money.

Trump today estimated that "the only problem" of the US economy was the Fed because of it. The body "has no contact with the market" and does not "understand" trade disputes in which the country is immersed. It was already a direct attack on Powell, that he can not stop at the presidency.

This is the situation at the White House with which US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin spoke on the phone this weekend with the President. The leaders of the six major US banks are trying to rebadure the markets

Mnuchin told them that he would convene a meeting of financial regulators to discuss ways to ensure "normal market operations".

All this has generated more fears among investors. A relevant fact: for the third consecutive day, more than 2,600 shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange reached a minimum of 52 weeks, reflecting a high number of sales, as they were not seen on the market since the peak of the crisis.

Storm clouds have already reached the Wall Street and this despite the US economy. it's going strong. But o Trump solves such problems as the closure of the Administration and its strained trade relations with China or the markets are likely to drag out after all, already at Christmas time.

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