"It's a complete change, not just in the mind, I compete better"


Christian Garin (22 years old) is seen with another attitude. Back left, this apathy that has once shown enjoy a glorious present, which today accounts for 87% of the total, having climbed nearly 300 places in a season that's gone completed. Follower of the routines of Felipe Avello, el Tanque or Gago, as his friends tell him, he reviews, a few days in Santiago, before fleeing on vacation, the path that finally led him to the group where the best .

Have you imagined such a good year of closing?

I imagined it well. Maybe three tournaments won right away I do not know if I thought about it, but it was something I was looking for a long time ago and I was very excited to be able to fill it. The truth is that I played at a good level in all tournaments.

What has changed from Christian Garin before?

We were changing a lot of things. Especially in terms of competition, how to deal with matches. There was a change of coach after Wimbledon. This has undoubtedly helped me a lot to start working with Andrés (Schneiter). I think I have improved a lot of things that I had not planned to improve so quickly. I felt very comfortable with him and with the coach, Martiniano (Orazi). With him, we made a very good plan for the end of the year and everything went very well.

The records that marked this year are comparable to those of Guillermo Coria.

The most important thing for me is to make a good pre-season. . It would be a dream, but it's something I take calmly. I want to go from tournament to tournament. I know that if I'm ready, it will happen at any time.

You said that you had not lost because of a bad one, but because of other factors. The psychological seems to be the key in its present.

I had the impression of being much more competitive on a mental level. I worked with a psychologist three or four months. It helped me a lot, but in general it was a complete change. I do not see it only in the mental part. I am better in competition, I have a clearer game plan. And this, without a doubt, has given me much more peace. Andrés is very concerned about the details. always be well focused on the competition. And it also rebadured me to think that I will just compete and deliver the best of myself in every game, that's what he asks me the most. Maybe he asks me not to play as well, but to always be competitive and that is what I have found most with me and my tennis.

Do you think that such media coverage has damaged it?

The truth is that he did not do it. I see like that. Personally, I have never felt attacked by anyone. Maybe I did not know how to take it positively, as now. Thanks to the media, people can support me, I feel a lot of support for social networks. I always read stories of people I may never have thought of. There are people who make my day happy sometimes. When I lose, they send me good messages. I read them and it was also generated by the media.

Do you think you have regained your joy?

The truth is that I have been touched, as in any process, by ups and downs that may have marked my career. But today, finishing a year like this has left me a lot more positive. That made me forget most of the things that happened to me and made me think about continuing to improve and the tournaments that come to me. I was very excited to be there. I would have liked, like everyone else, to get there a little bit before. But I'm happy to be here and to have the opportunity to play the best championships.

Have you thought about leaving tennis?

I did not think about the withdrawal, but I changed. Maybe a new beginning. I never thought of leaving him. For nothing. Tennis is what I love most, it is my pbadion. I live for tennis, with great joy. It makes me very happy to do what I love and always go ahead.

This year, too, had economic difficulties.

Tennis is a difficult sport in this sense. It is not easy to finance a career. My parents have made great efforts throughout my life. This year has been complicated in this way, but I have done my utmost to keep playing. And fund the tournaments because I've always thought I was going very well this year. We are a very strong work team, which satisfies me the most this year. More than the ranking, I'm glad we all rowed in the same direction.

How did you manage to self-finance?

I had to play between clubs to pay my expenses this year. And it was a good experience to play them in Germany.

Another striking aspect of his career is the number of coaches he has followed. Is there a reason for so much change?

I see it as Gringo (Schneiter) sees it. I've always tried to find someone who had more connection. The changes were not intentional. There was always something, maybe I did not say it, that complicated the relationship. But I'm very happy with this team, it took me a long time to find it. Everything is organized and it is thanks to Andrés, a crazy organization. And it's appreciated.

He was also at the Rafael Nadal Academy, with whom he will end up in the ATP tournaments.

It was a good time, I lived there for a year. They always treated me well and when I left, they understood. I am always grateful for all that they have done for me. Sharing tournaments with Rafa is a dream, it's someone I take as an example. I am very happy to be able to confront him in the same tournaments.

How would you sum up this experience lived in the United States with Horacio Matta and Larry Stefanki?

It was something that I had to live, do a lot of things. I focused more on my career, away from my family, which was the worst and most difficult thing. There, I realized that I missed Chile a lot, that I'm close to here, my friends and people who support me. It missed me a lot, but in Buenos Aires, I found a base that keeps me very close.

Do you have any contact with Stefanki?

I have no contact with him, but he was also very important and I admire him very much. What was the importance of Nicolás Mbadú?

He has been a very important person for all these years. Before making a decision, I ask: I'm waiting for your advice. He has been like a very close friend and is an amazing captain. I have very good relationships with him and his brother. Nico is always there, at any time of the day, to help me.

He also speaks to Marcelo Ríos.

I spoke to him a week ago. I have very good relationships with him, he is also a fundamental pillar of the Davis Cup and he is a man with whom I try to talk from time to time.

How do you see the Davis Cup series against Austria?

always win, be competitive. Fighting each point of the series will be important. They are the favorites, they play at home in a court that welcomes them. But we will try to win an extremely difficult opponent. But why not?

A triumph over Dominic Thiem would be a consecration.

I do not know, there are still a lot of them left. I have a very hard preseason and three tournaments that make me very excited. It's still missing, but it would be a dream to do it.

How did you see what Nicolás Jarry was doing?

I see Nico very well, I have known him for a long time. It's at the right time, we talk from time to time. We will now see us much more often in tournaments; I am happy when he is here and we are a team that makes me very happy too.

Did the fact that he took off the previous year for his own departure were of great help?

I do not know. The truth is that I experienced my process this year and was improving from tournament to tournament. I focused more on myself.

What is your goal for 2019?

I have not spoken to Andres, but I will surely compete at the highest level, be stable in the ATP and make a good preparation.

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