"It's not time to talk about the future": Cristiano Ronaldo


Sochi, Russia.- The Star Cristiano Ronaldo said Saturday that "it is not time" to talk about his future in the 39th. Portuguese national team, after being eliminated the Portuguese team Russian World Cup for Uruguay in the eighth finals .

Cristiano Ronaldo during the match against Uruguay / AFP

"This is not the time to talk about the future of players and coaches" of the national team, the Portuguese captain told the chain FIFA after the match where his team fell 2-1 against Uruguay .

Demos tudo até last second, but não faith possível follow em frente. Obrigado to all hair unconditional support during all competição e semper. We are a big family and we will continue, always, to give tudo to Portugal! pic.twitter.com/qaJVI6JEUx

– Portugal (@selecaoportugal)
30 June 2018

The attacker argued that "Portugal will remain as one of the best teams, with good players" .

We have a fantastic group, young and with a lot of ambition, and for this reason I hope that the selection will continue to be strong, "he adds.

Cristiano Ronaldo laments of elimination before Uruguay / AFP

The striker of Real Madrid finished the Russian World Cup with four goals, one less than the English Harry Kane, still in the race.

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