Japanese skate from Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra returns to Chile


After its resounding success in Latin America and especially in Chile in 2017, the iconic Japanese group, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, will return to our country. On Thursday, August 23, it will be his second landing in our country and will be presented at 22:00 at the Chocolate Club.

The group formed in the mid-80s, began his career with shows in the streets. and clubs in Tokyo, managing to capture the audience's attention with its powerful live sound. After releasing a first homonymous EP, in 1990 they released their first full-length album that included one of their biggest hits "Monster Rock". Over the years and thanks to their vast discography, they become one of the ska leaders in Asia and around the world, with tours that contemplate in addition to their continent, Europe and the United States , and for the first time in 2011 I arrive in Mexico in show at Vive Latino festival

In 2017, Skapara (as an abbreviation of his fans), makes presentations in Argentina, Chile, in Brazil and now less than a year, confirms their return and will debut in Colombia at the historic Rock Festival at the park. His disciples Thursday, August 23 in Santiago will enjoy a show that, in addition to including a thorough review of his most important records, will show his recent plaque "Glorious" launched in March this year.

Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra in Chile

Thursday, August 23 – Club Chocolate – 9:00 pm (Opening Doors) – 22:00 (View)

Figures : $ 20,000 general / $ 30,000 VIP / $ 45,000 Palco + M & G

Tickets on sale on Pbadline.cl

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