Jared Leto will be "Morbius", spin-off of Spider-Man


Los Angeles

The Swedish director of Chilean origin Daniel Espinosa will direct the American actor Jared Leto in "Morbius", a derivative film (" spin-off ") of the film universe of the Sony studio on the stories of Spider-Man, reported today by The Hollywood Reporter.

Morbius naughty spider stories, is a scientist who suffers from a blood disease, but his attempts to heal himself eventually turns him into a kind of vampire

This character was created by Roy Thomas and Gil Kane and appeared for the first time in a comic book in 1971 in the issue 101 of "The Amazing Spiderman".

"Morbius" will be a new piece of the cinematic puzzle that prepares Sony on the adventures of Spider-Man .

The first film of this project was "S pider-Man: Homecoming" (2017), which featured Tom Holland as the protagonist and who brought in $ 880 million worldwide.

The continuation of this film will be titled "Spider-Man: Far From Home" and will be released in theaters in July 2019.

Also, "Venom", a derivative band on this formidable enemy of Spider-Man, will present a cast directed by Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams and will be premiered on October 5.

Winner of Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for "Dallas Buyers Club" (2013), Leto has recently appeared in such films as "Suicide Squad" (2016) or "Blade Runner 2049" (2017).

In addition to the 39, actor, Leto is the singer and guitarist of the rock band Trente Seconds to Mars .

For his part, Daniel Espinosa drew attention with unexpected success Swedish thriller "Easy Mon ey" (2012) and triumphed in his Hollywood landing with "Safe House" (2015), which collected more than 200 millions of dollars worldwide.

Last year, he created "Life", which combined science fiction and terror about the work of some scientists (Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson) on the International Space Station after finding proofs of life in March document.getElementById ('comments-button') .addEventListener ('click', function () {
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