Javiera Suárez celebrates his encouraging prognosis: God has once again given me a miracle | TV and show


Last Wednesday was a very important day for Javiera Suárez because she would undergo an important test that would determine the condition of the cancer that afflicted her two years ago .

Against all odds, the results of positron emission tomography (PET) have been more than encouraging.

"The result is a miracle because two and a half months ago he had tumors in the brain, lungs, liver, stomach, ribs, and femur, and today he has been diagnosed with the disease. the vast majority have disappeared ". Recent news.

To celebrate, the communicator shared a smiling photo and a message of hope on social networks. "Life is made of moments, this minute of my life is called happiness," he writes.

"Wednesday I was waiting for it a while ago and even though I prayed for a while, when I saw the result with my doctor, I could not believe it. "

" Part of me is numb as if it were part of a dream. " God once again did a miracle. The first was Pedrito and now it was the audience that, despite being on the brink of death two and a half months ago, today my body was healthier than ever "

"The signs of affection I received during those years of cancer are the ones that helped me heal, continue, not give up." You are part of this second miracle and for that I will be eternally grateful " he adds.

" Continues before me a path of chemistry in which I must continue to agitate and to fight, but I know it with my husband drcrianianarriagada, to whom I owe my life, my son and you, if you can … God bless you. "

Life is made of moments. This minute of my life is called happiness. Yesterday, I was waiting for it a while ago. And although I have been praying for a long time, yesterday when I saw the result with my doctor, I could not believe it. Part of me is still numb as if it was part of a dream. God has once again done a miracle. The first was Pedrito and now it was the audience that, despite being on the brink of death two and a half months ago, today my body was healthier than ever. The signs of affection that I have received during these years of cancer are those that have helped me to heal, to continue, not to give up. You are part of this second miracle and for that I will be eternally grateful. There is still a chemo path in front of me where I have to stay alert and fight, but I know it with my husband @drecistianarriagada, to whom I owe my life, my son and you; if we can. God bless you.

A post shared by Javiera Suárez (@javierasuarezoficial) on [12juillet1990] July 12, 2018 at 17:11 PDT

But the fight is not over, and has been for two years (when she was diagnosed ), Javiera and her husband are always looking for the best alternatives for their battle.

The last that they found will take them to the United States for two weeks, where they will meet a doctor at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

"My husband was looking for a specialized place next to the doctor who is treating me in Chile.That's how they found this oncologist, melanoma specialist."

This medical center is the second more important in the United States and has made great progress in cancer research and its different types.

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