Javiera Suárez's positive visit to New York to treat her cancer


He had announced it and he had specified it. Javiera Suárez went to a clinic in New York to treat melanoma (cancer of the skin) that continues to affect him, and the results are positive because after chemotherapy his response was "unbelievable" ] according to the attending physician

Everything happens in the Slovan Kettering Memorial an institution specializing in cancer, where Suarez went with his family.

MON " At the beginning he told me that he already knew the case Doctors in Chile had already contacted him to find out what was done with this woman who was expecting a baby. "

] "He told me that it was the first case that he had as well, where a woman getting immunotherapy had a child" he added at the same time that he said that when he saw her in person, the doctor said ] "It's amazing, it's amazing"

It's been a long process, the time they spent in this area of ​​US help. they had it months ago, "when I was in very bad health, bad, bad, bad".

But that was the best thing, because the query was given in a later account to get the results of his PET. ), which showed that the tumors that he had in several organs had disappeared

Now, during the week, the oncologist in the United States will contact the attending physician from Suárez in Chile to determine the next steps to take.

"For the moment, I will continue with chemotherapy and they will see if we change the treatment in immunotherapy. At this moment the response of my body has been spectacular, but it must always be done in all the scenarios ] ", condemned Javiera Suarez.

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