Jean Beauséjour spoke about the conflict between Arturo Vidal and Claudio Bravo – The Red


© AFP.   Jean Beauséjour made his voice heard because of the conflict between Arturo Vidal and Claudio Bravo

Moreover, the side of the "U" did not hide his desire to continue to fight for a place in the Red. 19659004] The left wing is a cambo area that gave headache to Reinaldo Rueda in the Chilean selection mainly as a result of the trauma of Jean Beauséjour .

The player of Universidad de Chile is recovering from a rift caused by a rebellion that prevented him from leaving the field for three months and wanted to return to his post in La Roja.

Interview with Radio Agricole Beauséjour said that " currently in the selection, the left side has where to put the hand.What Parot and Mena do is good.I am competitive and I I always like to compete for a job I think I won a place in the national team It is undeniable.We must be patient with the Rueda process, the technician tests alternatives for the 39, future. "

On the other hand, he mentioned participation in the next Copa America of Brazil, saying that" is important that we have an obligation to be competitive . "Copa América may be a good starting point for those who fit in. They do not look at us the same, now you come to defend the cup. "

He was also consulted on the conflict between Arturo Vidal and Claudio Bravo . In this regard, the player stated: " I hope everything is convertible and can be solved." The selection is much more important and constitutes a greater advantage with respect to the frictions that have been ]

Finally, the lateral lamented the absence of Marcelo Díaz but considers that Rueda is in his right to quote who you want and that is a decision that must be respected.


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