JK Rowling teases Trump


Milenio Digital

Mexico / 03.07.2018 20:14:29

Donald Trump still gives to talk with his posts on Twitter and this time was no exception, he shared a tweet where he says he's proud of his ability to write.

"After writing many books of the best sellers, and a little proud of myself in my ability to write, it must be taken into account that the False News constantly like to look for an error in my tweets I capitalize certain words just to emphasize that they should be capitalized!

After writing a lot of good books, and some boast about my writing abilities, it's worth noting that Fake News constantly likes to pee on my tweets looking for an error. I capitalize some words just for the emphasis, not b / c they should be capitalized!

– Donald J. Trump (@ realDonaldTrump) 3 July 2018

There were people who took it with grace, as the author the literary success Harry Potter JK Rowling laughing a long time after Trump's tweet.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha * * hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha draws breath https://t.co/gbionAPK9Z

– JK Inclusive "took a breather" to continue to laugh.

"He cleans his eyes, tries to control his breathing." Really, Donald Trump is the great writer on Earth. "

* wipes eyes, tries to control breathing *
Seriously, @ realDonaldTrump is the writer gratest on earth.

– JK Rowling (@jk_rowling) ] July 3, 2018

Some users did not find the reaction of the author of the correct Harry Potter saga.

Rowling covered the identity of the one who criticized it.

] It seems strange that JK Rowling behave as if she knew the shit of American politicians.

"To say that I'm disappointed is the least. It's probably a matter of time before I burn or throw my collection of Harry Potter books

I can not stand a woman who wants the worst for Americans. "

Then the author replied:

" Honey, if you read all Harry Potter and you think the author should support an authoritative boaster who is t stupid rop to know how stupid he is, then burn them, I'll do it too. "

Honey, if you read Harry Potter's set and thought that the author would support an authoritative boaster who is too silly to know how stupid he is, burn And me too. pic.twitter.com/6U9PNqx0rK

– JK Rowling (@jk_rowling) July 3, 2018




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