Joaquín Lavín responds to Don Francisco for street harassment: "For these questions, you do not need to lower your profile"


Last Friday Mario Kreutzberger aka Don Francisco, interviewed La Tercera where he spoke of the rise of the feminist movement in Chile, in which he stated that "d A lot of time has been used and abused women, and it seems very well that women have the status that they must have, like the man . "

However, he specified that – in his opinion – "In these processes, things happen from one side to the other. Because to have a role for someone to say" mijita , continues to eat salad, "it seems to me that we went to the other guy or".

The proverbs of the Channel 13 animator, did not like to the Mayor of Las Condes, Joaquín Lavín, who asked Don Francisco: " To these questions we must not lower the profile ", in an interview with La Cuarta.

"She is a 23 year old woman who has been affected several times in her life by compliments and who considered that it was already a lot and that she did not want to continue to rent it in the street and to use the municipal ordinance, and I think it's in his right. "

He added that" there are differences among Chileans, probably the generations Older ones, like Don Francisco, who give less importance to these questions because we are used to them, to a culture in which this compliment or these sentences were said at any time, but Chile is now a different country. "

Despite respect for the communicator's opinion, the mayor was adamant that" every person has the right to an opinion, but I think these questions should not be the profile These are new problems that emerge over the years, but they are well. Why I will have to accept that a stranger says what he wants ".

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