Johnny Depp: the new villain of the saga J.K. Rowling


This will bring to life the black magician Gellert Grindelwald, who will have to deal with Newt Scamander in the new installment of "Fantastic Beast".

  Johnny Depp: the new villain of the JK Rowling

The characters who will be part of the new opus "fantastic animals" that will arrive on November 15 in the halls / outnow

All the magic wands are ready for the premiere of "Fantastic Beast: The Crimes of Grindelwald", the second of five episodes making up the cinematic saga with which British writer JK Rowling, the screenwriter of the films, has expanded the 39 magical universe created by Harry Potter more than two decades ago with the publication of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

After two years of waiting and theories of faithful followers about the magical world that seems to be confirmed, "The Grindelwald Crimes & # 39; will arrive in the cinemas on November 15 and promises to be darker than the previous one, with a villain at the height of Lord Voldermort, the terrifying magician The nightmare of Harry Potter

Johnny Depp embodies the black Gellert Grindelwald, while Jude Law will play the role of young Albus Dumbledore, director of the Hogwarts School and protector of Harry Potter in the original saga, and this time guide Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) in the fight against dark magic in a action that moves this time to Paris.

Precisely the relationship between the two wizards, Dumbledore and Grindelwa LD, hero and villain, is at the center of one of the theories fueled by fans for years, confirmed director David Yates, who revealed in a interview for "Entertainment Weekly" that Dumbledore's homobaduality was present in the film. history, "as Rowling herself had advanced at the beginning of the saga.

Another member of the team who will play an important role in the adventures featuring Newt Scamander will be his brother, Theseus Scamander, played by the actor Callum Turner, who joins a cast in which the actress Katherine Waterston, Tina Goldstein and Dan Fogler, in the role of Jacob Kowalski.

The creator of the philosopher's stone, Nicolas Flamel, plays in one of the main appearances of the movie., and represent one of many winks for fans of the adventures of the magical universe, who will see Hogwarts, one of the relics of death, and discover the true to the identity of Nagini, the giant snake and faithful companion of Lord Voldemort, and one of the "horcruxes" of the wicked wizard.


At the end from the first episode of the saga "Fantastic Beast", the powerful black magician Ge llert Grindelwald (played by Johnny Depp) is captured by the MACUSA (Magic Congress of the United States of America) with the help of Newt Scamander.

But Grindelwald realizes his threat and manages to escape. in order to gather followers in order to train "pureblood" magicians and to govern all non-magical beings, with whom the magicians live a long peace of more than 100 years that the evil Grindelwald is ready to break. [19659005] Up to now, Voldemort's predecessor was known for his legendary duel with Dumbledore and had been defeated in 1945, a date that is not a coincidence since it coincides with the end of World War II, source of inspiration for the great clash

A black magician almost as obsessed with the mastery of "pure blood" or "pure blood" as to obtain the relics of death (the mantle invisibility, the elder wand and the philosopher's stone) and thus become the Lord of Death, a goal that, in the time of Harry Potter, will pursue the evil Voldemort.

Gerret Grindelwald, like Voldemort, embodies evil at its best in the magical world, and was linked to Nazism for his contempt for magicians who are not "purebloods", a vision that the author has confirmed.

The two share the scene of the final installment of the Harry Potter saga, when Lord Voldemort searches for it. take control of the power of the elder rod, in his very obsession to seize the relics of death. that it seems clear that JK Rowling has managed to create a new franchise of success in this magical universe that he has made known through the adventures of Harry Potter and who, in this second installment, is more present than in the previous through characters and references.

The wait is great before the premiere of "Fantastic Beast: The Crimes of Grindelwald". and fans around the world are already preparing for the new adventures of Newt Scamander.

As a prelude to the release of the film, at the Millennium Bridge in London were installed nine giant magic wands that illuminate the bridge that connects the Cathedral of St. Paul to the Tate Modern Museum of the British capital, which will remain until 39 November 13th.

The chopsticks, which form in the framework of an initiative of solidarity of the organization "Lumos & # 39; created by JK Rowling, reproduce the original models used in the two sagas of the film, including those used by Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore and Newt Scamander.

The new "Fantastic Animals" will arrive in theaters on November 15th. Eddie Redmayne in the movie directed by David Yates


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