Jorge Valdivia lamented the crisis that saw Colo …


Jorge Valdivia acknowledged that he was not expecting such bad results from the albo table.

With the draw against Palestino Colo, Colo aggravated his crisis by adding 10 consecutive games without knowing the victory, which corresponds to his worst series of historic victories.

One of those who evoked the terrible moment of the cacique was the steering wheel and referring to Jorge Valdivia, who acknowledged that he was not expecting these poor results from the photo d & # 39; albo.

"It is rare for Colo Colo, for history, for us the players who make up this team, they are sad situations for all and a difficult moment" a- he acknowledged in a dialogue with Radio Agricultura

"We are all responsible, we do not have to point a finger at one person. Tapia) but we are all responsible and I feel responsible too " he added.

Of course, as good news, the "Magician" confirmed his healing from a minor injury suffered last week: "We're fine … inside the recovery period. Estimated in this type of injury Unfortunately, I could not play after my suspension, but after this match, I already have the illusion of being fit and available for the match against Huachipato, this which will be very important.I want to be and I will be there. "

In addition, Valdivia had words for Esteban Paredes, who could miss the last two dates of the national championship for his expulsion in the match against Palestino, and with that seeing virtually impossible to overcome the disc of Francisco "Chamaco" Valdes as top scorer of Chilean football.

"It is necessary to be calm, if this year is not enough, the record will be very tight and before it is withdrawn, it will happen.We trust him, it is a great player who knows how to make the most of his moments and that is the theme of the age.Hope the young man who will replace him later will be up to Esteban.He has a contract until next year and in ten games, he will pbad the record, "he said.


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