Josefina Montané put Tomás Cox in his place after calling it "poor pájara" for denouncing Nicolás López


The denunciations against Nicolás López add and continue, as well as the reactions generated by the news that shook the world of Chilean cinema. Tomás Cox one of the last to refer to it, who did not have any good words

. On his radio show El Conquistador, he wondered if " was there a demand from the girls?" Or are they pure exclamations and late tantrums? "and why" l & # 39; year 2013, 14, 15, did not say the next day at 9 o'clock in the morning . "

This is no one to prescribe anything (… ) but I still want to say that please report, even if they are afraid, tell them the plan . Do not wait a year, two years like these little girls, these poor birds "he says on the radio

who reacts to his words was one of the whistleblowers Lopez, Josefina Montané ] The actress, that these days we see in Soltera Otra Vez 3 used the stories of Instagram to attack Cox: "Before talking about the" Workplace bullying and abuse in all its forms, we must inform ourselves. To know and understand the process of the victims. The abuse is lived in silence .

In this sense, he explained that " is difficult to say when you think that you are alone in a society controlled by men. " Sometimes you can give your testimony years later, not as a form of anger."

"I am so sorry that a man is installed in a program to talk about the" " abuse, victims, demonstrating his ignorance about it … that it helps us learn, "he said, adding that" before we call ourselves "poor pájaras "And that our testimonies are" late crises ", discover Because when you are on the radio, you also report a small responsibility."

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