Josefina Montané vs. Tomás Cox: "Before treating us as" poor pájaras "discover" | TV and show


Josefina Montané was one of eight women who filed their complaint against the director Nicolás López, for allegations of badual harbadment and abuse in work meetings.

Specifically, "Pin" Montané had said According to Saturday magazine, at a work appointment, the filmmaker had told him "literally, if I could catch the" titmouse " , and why I was worried if we were to shoot. "

In this context, the broadcaster Tomás Cox gave his opinion on this subject in his program Mundo Real on El Conquistador radio, where he inappropriately called on women who were victims of harbadment or abuse to report the facts.

  El Conquistador
El Conquistador

"They will not present any (complaint) I give it to you signed There is no one to prescribe anything (…) but I want still say that please denounce, although they are afraid, tell them to throw in. Do not wait a year, two years like these little girls, these poor birds " , cast

Faced with this situation, the actress wrote a long publication on her Instagram account, calling on Cox to inquire about the cause why victims of abuse take a long time to make public the facts.

Although the model erased its publication after a few hours, it was saved by Channel 13's Red Carpet site:

"Before talking about harbadment and abuse in the workplace in all its forms. forms, we must inform ourselves. Know and understand the process of the victims. The abuse is lived in silence, "he said.

"It's hard to talk about it when you think you're alone in a society controlled by men." Sometimes you can give your testimony years later, not as a anger, "he continues.

"I am so sorry that a man sets up in a program to talk about the abuse, the victims, demonstrating his ignorance of the"

Then he concludes: "Before we treat ourselves to" poor pájaras "and that our testimonies are" tantrums ", discover it. Because when you are on the radio, you also report. A small responsibility Mr. Thomas Cox. "

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