Juan Carlos Osorio aims against Neymar – Mexico – 24 hours


  Juan Carlos Osorio points against Neymar

The Mexico coach refers to the alleged simulations and exaggerations of the Brazilian star.

24Horas.cl TVN


The selection of Mexico said goodbye to the Russia World Cup 2018 after losing 2-0 to Brazil in the round of 16

commitment, the technician of the Aztecs, the Colombian Juan Carlos Osorio spoke with the press where, beyond the badysis of the game, he stood out by his statements against arbitration and the Brazilian star Neymar.

"I think the arbitration was completely in favor of Brazil. We won possession with 53% to 47%, we control the game. The loss of vehemence in our game at first semester was linked to the arbitration.C was very biased and the players got tired of it.The game was stopped by too many fake mistakes, "attacked the coach.

Of these words, Osorio extended and referred to the alleged simulations of the South American team, alluding, without mentioning it, to Neymar and to the meeting had with Mexico Miguel Layún.

"It's a shame for football to miss so much time in a player. Once four minutes lost, this is not a good example for this sport." Is a game of men who is fought with intensity and not with so much clown. "

Neymar's unusual overreaction after a slight trampling of the Mexican player

The Brazilian player s 39 is complained after a slight violation by Miguel Layún.


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