Jubero attacked the arbitration


The Spanish coach did not go through the rounds to define the work of the judges, after the traditional confrontation of Guarani football.

You enter the many voices azulgranas who complained of the performance of the referee Óscar Velázquez was that of the own DT of Cerro Porteño.

Fernando Jubero used hard words his anger against the work of the judges, at the last clbadic of the year.

"We want to have confidence in the work of the referees, but with a job like this, it becomes difficult" Jubero badures in the press conference that followed tied 2 to 2 between his team and Olimpia .

The choice of writing

"I am sad because the great work of boys has tarnished.It was the clbadic of shame" sentenced the Spaniard.

Cerro Porteño and Olimpia interpreted the most controversial clbadic of the time in which a goal of Néstor Camacho was seen in prohibited position for those of Daniel Garnero, a goal from Marcos Acosta added over time added by the judge and from a penalty penalty penalized at the minute 101 he ended up giving a link of taste to the victory of the olimpistes.

In the social networks were visible like those of the player azulgrana Nelson Haedo the leader cerrista Raúl Zapag and same owner of the account Official Club Barrio Obrero is complaining of arbitration. Terms such as Robbery or dispossession were the order of the day.

I can get tired of making announcements No to violence if these thefts continue to happen in our football, let's play with the feeling and hope of an entire city, proud of my teammates and the fans who pushed to the end #juntosnoslevantaremos

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– Nelson Haedo Valdez (@ Haedo18Valdez9) 4 November 2018

Proud of our team ! We saw a robbery as you have never seen it. I will do what I have done today, when they want to rob us. With Cerro Porteño, you do not play gentlemen!
– Raul Zapag (@flacozp) November 4, 2018

Faced with the vile dispossession of the entire city of Cerrista this afternoon, the Club Cerro Porteno expressly repudiates it in protest before . @APFOficial in the coming hours. # ElClasicoDeLaVergüenza
– Club Cerro Porteño (@ CCP1912oficial) on November 4, 2018

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