Julio César Rodríguez in a mess against morning panelists


In recent days, morning newspaper panelists have been severely criticized for their controversial comments on current issues.

While they were talking about the dismissal of Macarena Tondreau in "Muy Buenos Días", Julio César Rodriguez gave his acid opinion in Primer Plano

Julio César Rodríguez: "This will make unpopular what I am going to say with my own colleagues: I think on the screen, especially in the morning, where there are a lot of people, there are people who are not trained on certain occasions for certain issues.

"I think it's very important to give everyone but in their expertise, and go to work, as in any order of things. If the one who is good for the ball can not reach the next day and start playing for Chile. "

Fran García-Huidobro:" Whoever is good for the ball is not good for tennis "

July César Rodríguez:" At TVN, several things happened to them. Something happened to them that a senator, a deputy, alleged. Do you remember or not? Because they said I do not know what. The other day with Dr. Cordero was the same: everyone repeated as parrots that she had not attended the lady (that the psychiatrist had taken with her car), and the Attorney said that she had treated him

you must have some mental health there too. In other words, I think that it is necessary to have tables (of panelists) of 30 people, or 15 people "

Luis Sandoval:" Everyone has a specific role, c & rsquo; Is why the panels are "

Julio César Rodríguez: is an invention penca"

Francisca García-Ghuidobro: "The role that has, with all due respect, that cooking why is going to be in the moment of the "The one who makes a show, why will it be when an ex-wife will tear his eyes off because he wants to kill her?" Respectfully, what should I do? "

Rodríguez : "People who do not even know who the ministers end up talking about politics, in other words, they end up talking about politics, or essential issues, about people who do not know the story recent history of this country. "

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