Karen Bejarano left the big for controversial sayings about feminism


This week, Karen Bejarano was one of the guests of Sigamos de Largo, beating the Channel 13 directed by Sergio Lagos.

Speaking of the limits of humor on television the theme of the fight came out of women and feminism context in which the old Mekano girl made a comment that she did not like

"I do not like being called feminism, because feminism and machismo have become like the same thing" In addition, she added that she prefers to say that "the woman took power and began to take her flag of struggle and we began to demand respect equality in a"

The singer n & # 39 did not leave the subject and reiterated that "I do not like to be labeled as a feminist because I think it's like going back to the old contradiction. 19659006] Screenshot | Cbad 13

It should be noted that the definitions given by the Royal Spanish Academy of Machismo are: "arrogant attitude of men towards women" and "Form of badism characterized by the prevalence of man."

For its part, the meanings of feminism are: "principle of the equal rights of women and men " and" movement that fights for the effective realization in all orders of feminism. "

His words were not well received in social networks, where he was widely criticized for not knowing the real meaning of the two concepts. feminism = machismo ????♀️?♀️?♀️?♀️
So say the "communicators" of today on Chilean television …. what a pity. ..

– FERNANDA MATAMALA (@fernamatamala) June 29, 2018

You can not say that feminism and machismo are the same – what is your definition of concepts ?! Please read, inform yourself, pa something that the internet is mad raging Karen Paola #KarenYAlisEnSDL

– Flavia (@flavizzzzle) 28 June 2018

# KarenYAlísEnSDL Someone explains to Karen that #Feminism is not the same as #Machismo … Feminism is the equality between the man and the woman … It is not the woman on the man, that it is called #Hembrismo

– Tóbal (@c_cbadesr) June 28, 2018

How much on television is it said that something like machismo and feminism are the same? And even worse, nobody says anything. EDUCATE. #KarenYAlisenSDL

– Cata (@caaatalinaa) June 28, 2018

#KarenYAlisEnSDL tells the karen that the equivalent of machismo is the only one in the world. hembrism and non-feminism

– francisco cea barra (@ deseis6) June 28, 2018

The Karen Paola speaks of pure episodes, says that FEMINISM is the same as machismo in female version ?♂️?♂ ️?♂️?♂️?♂️?♂️ #SigamosdeLargo

– ??????? (@ignaoyarzun) June 28, 2018

#KarenYAlisEnSDL only on one panel of 5 people, no one told Karen Paola something so simple, as if feminism was not equivalent to machismo, it's worrying.

– CaparZo! (@ antoniosc91) June 28, 2018

I expect nothing from the Karen and yet I am disappointed ?
Machismo and feminism the same? Read! Please read!

– Marce Matsu (@marce_matsu) June 28, 2018

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