Kate Upton and her husband Justin Verlander confirm the pregnancy


Justin Verlander the professional baseball pitcher of the Houston Astros, surprised by an announcement he made through his social networks, where his wife, model and actress, Kate Upton is the main protagonist.

The relationship between the two dates more than five years and they were married in November 2017 . However, both surprised the world after announcing that the 26-year-old model Kate Upton is pregnant .

"You will be the most amazing mom! I look forward to starting this new journey with you!" You are the most considerate, affectionate and strong woman I've ever met "writes Verlander on his Instagram account.

He adds, "I am so proud that our little creature is raised, in this world, for a woman like you!" I love you so much . "

Along with that, Kate has confirmed the information by sharing the same picture through her Instagram; however, did not specify the number of weeks of gestation that he nor gave any indication of the bad of the baby


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