"Kenita" Larraín breaks himself in the foreground after confessing that he can not have any other children


His recent biography is raging in the country and has become a bestseller in the best bookstores in Chile. We talked about the "blonde with celestial eyes", María Eugenia Larraín, who visited Primer Plano during the night and who discussed with Julio César and Fran García Huidobro the last events of his life.

The night speech might well give way to Kenita's terrible confession about her life: I could not have any more children.

The model takes into account Hashimoto's disease, a chronic thyroiditis that appeared after the birth of his daughter. Sophia, two years ago

At the time of explaining her illness, Larraín explained that she could no longer be a mother

"It was terrible for me because with my husband All we wanted was to have a second child … oh, I felt sorry, "he said as tears dropped out of his eyes. "And this doctor tells us" that they can not have children ", this is not practical (…) All I want, is to become a mother again . "

Next, "Kenita" said that after investigating her condition, she had discovered that it had been triggered by an emotional factor and by "not expressing".

After discovering this, "I said," I do not live another day for others, I begin to live for myself, to be consistent with me "".

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