Kevin Spacey faces three new charges of sexual harassment – 07/03/2018


The London Metropolitan Police, better known as Scotland Yard, investigates three new charges of badual harbadment against Kevin Spacey . With these new cases, which date back to 1996, the actor faces a total of six if we add the other three that the London police badyzed.

According to the North American site TMZ then confirmed by Variety on February 8, 2008, a man reported that he had been badually harbaded in Lambeth the district of the English capital where the Old Theater of Vic

The second accusation is of a man who claims having been badually abused on February 14, 2013 Gloucester. The third indictment dates from 1996 at Westminster .

The three cases are the subject of an investigation by the "Child Abuse and Sexual Offenses Command" of the Metropolitan Police including the allegation of Gloucester, which is lies 160 kilometers west of London.

The investigation began in November last year, for three other allegations of abuse . The police were first informed of a badual badault that occurred in Lambeth in 2008. At the end of this month, another victim reported an badault in the same neighborhood, but in 2005. The third charge was took place in December of last year. it would have taken place outside of Westminster in 2005.

Spacey, winner of two Oscars in 1996 and 1999 was the artistic director of the theater. Old Vic since 2003, and remained in this position for 11 years. In November 2017, after informing that 20 men had lodged a complaint against the actor the Theater Board of Administration apologized and hinted that many young actors would have hidden these intimidated episodes by the personality of the actor. American Beauty and House of Cards among others.

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