Key of the duel between Brazil and Belgium in the quarterfinals Russia 2018 – World Cup Russia 2018


Brazil and Belgium are two of Russia's top teams in 2018. They are full of numbers and their football is colorful and strong. These are the 3 keys of each.

The Brazilian Keys

After all the surprises that occurred in the World Cup, Brazil is one of the teams that retains its great favoritism in the title. He has just eliminated Mexico by showing his best version, with a spectacular and powerful game. Brazil knows how to play these cases, regardless of rival, in a key that will be very balanced.

The Tite Brazil showed in Russia a 4-2-3-1 system. His advantage is that in every line have high clbad players, such as Neymar, Coutinho, Marcelo (who has not played against Mexico), Gabriel Jesus and many others. His game is mainly possession, with speed, good contact and offensive volume. If he catches a bad opponent, he crushes him

Neymar's show
In the first matches of Brazil, Neymar does not reach his best level, so that Coutinho is the one who carries the weight of the team and the eighth guide. But against Mexico, Neymar did what he likes most: overflowing, dribbling, helping and scoring. Also generates and exaggerates the faults. When Neymar is connected, Brazil becomes implacable

Details of the Belgian Game

His Game
Belgium arrived at the World Cup with a favorite tag and took an impressive step, until the moment where she almost tripped over Japan. His game is based on a 3-4-3 system, that is to say that he defends with three men and bets on the work of Meunier and Carrasco. Generates a lot of offensive play, because something is most striking in Russia, with 11 goals.

Lukaku is his human goal, he had a great World Cup, with 4 annotations. The Manchester United striker has his power and his good definition as his virtue. But he is surrounded by high caliber men like Eden Hazard, one of the World Cup figures, Kevin de Bruyne and Mertens. Like Brazil, Belgium has a large payroll

Against Japan Belgium has shown its weaknesses, which go through defensive failures, late returns when they lose the ball and, perhaps, a overconfidence. But against Brazil it will be on another level. Just as you will have the space to do the game you love, you must take care of yourself when you do not have the ball. This time she can not fail as she did against Japan.


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