Khloe Kardashian defends his daughter True Thompson



Khloe kardashia n is ready to defend with his fingernails and teeth his true daughter of all those who attack her in network.

The controversy occurred after a woman Twitter wrote : "Is it just me or Khloe Kardashian's baby, True, is not it cute at all ? " The post was marked with the business woman

It only took a few seconds for Khloe to unleash her anger against the woman who was talking badly about her firstborn, and her message went straight jugular. Are you respectful of the appearance of a child, what kind of disgusting human being are you, it is pathetic that you are so miserable in your life, "wrote the sister Kim Kardashian

But that was not all, Khloe She was so furious that she continued with the problem and called the woman "loser" and also said that these people do not deserve their respect.

Finally she clarified "people are entitled to their own opinions and feelings, but why? what the heck do you want to tweet and if so, why would you tag me?"

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