Kit Harrington said goodbye to Jon Snow and told him | HBO | series | Cine-series


Although it still remains several months before the end of the famous Game of Thrones series, with its eighth and final season, we know that his filming has already concluded some time ago , marking this forms the last farewell of the actors with their characters .

And this is known, especially, because the publications on the social networks of the actors who interpret the production betray the progress of this one. Several of them left messages of meaning, as was the case of Maisie Williams, Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington who confessed to having been devastated before the end of Game of Thrones . 'Game of Thrones', the Emmy's favorite

Precisely the actor who plays Jon Snow, said: "I have finished (filmed) Thursday's Last week it was a wonderful trip and I told you in my closing speech that it has always been more than a job.It's as if it's a family, it's a good thing. was my life.I loved every minute.I was very excited last week to think about finishing, having finished. "

The feeling of Harington is very understandable, since Game of Thornes will culminate next year after eight seasons that has extended from 2011. After several years of working with the same companions, the production and the interpretation of his character, it is understood that the nostalgia flies away.

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