Kudelka rejoices in the U: "With these players my idea will be reflected in a short time"


The coach of University of Chile, Frank Kudelka was pleased with the victory of the University of Chile on Colchagua by 4-0 with which he managed to advance to the quarters of final of the Chile Cup. The Argentine coach was proud of the weakness of the win, but said that his style of play was not reflected yet in the players.

" We were strong we test players, we must continue to evolve The loose triumph helps maintain the virtues we have, to go further, but we must also correct and continue to s & # 39, improve, something logical process, "badyzed Kudelka

The former Talleres de Córdoba also spoke of changes Regarding the first leg:" We had some significant losses for this match, and from other positions where we had three players fighting for position, I think Leandro Benegas did well, Yerko Leiva gave up during the second period, but continues to accompany him because today He has presented a different position than the one he's played. "

Regarding the cumbersome win, Kudelka said" I think the overall is quite contun today, nothing is presumed in football, nothing is easy " and it is to watch the World Cup. We could win quietly but not without obstacles, the opponent had great moments in both games. "

On future projections, the Argentine coach said that" we have a quality of players that will allow me to show my idea of ​​playing in a short time . We always want to go further, today the team has done, we do not stop being intentional in the search for the goal and we are in the championship, we can not always strengthen a style in the middle of a tournament and we will play harder. "

Finally, he drew a parallel with the Argentine tournament:" The Cup gives us the pace of competition, but it reveals the flaws that perhaps with more training would not have emerged . There are a lot of similarities with the Copa Argentina, in which teams from other categories make huge matches against big teams. "

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