Kylian Mbappé was faster than Usain Bolt in the game that ended in France's goal against Argentina – Russia 2018 – 24 hours


  Kylian Mbappé was faster than Usain Bolt in the game that ended in France's goal against Argentina

The 19-year-old striker reached a speed of 38 kilometers per hour before receiving a foul that became a penalty

] Tvn


The best result of the victory of France on Argentina 4-3 in the phases Direct knockout of the 2018 World Cup in Russia was striker Kylian Mbappé, who registered with two goals for his selection to continue on the way in the contest.

His entries, however, were not the only highlights made by the 19-year-old striker since his role in the first conquest of the Europeans was fundamental to being the one who received the penalty that turned in goal Antoine Griezmann.

This piece is distinguished by the power that was impressed by Mbappé who visited more than half of the court until ] a speed that was even higher than that recorded by Usain Bolt when he broke the world record of 100 meters.

According to the newspaper La Nación of Argentina, PSG striker reached a top speed of 38 kilometers per hour thus exceeding the average of 37.6 kilometers in the world. time that Bolt scored in 2009 when he made a record of 9 seconds and 58 hundredths in the 100 meter test.


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