Lady Sarah, Diana's sister who also conquered Prince Charles | TV and show


Before marrying Princess Diana even before her public relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles on Prince Charles was the most coveted single of Europe Not only was he considered a good partner, but he would also become the next King of England

Contrary to popular belief and thanks to the macho teachings, his uncle gave him, Lord Louis "Dickie" Mountbatten (who was a father figure for him), Carlos knew perfectly how to conquer women and hold their attention as long as he wanted.

"The advice Dickie Mountbatten gave him was:" To have as many relationships as possible (…) and then find a sweet girl with the personality to put on a pedestal, and marry her ", badured the royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith, in documentary The Life of Diana .

His uncle was so proud of the conquests of Carlos, who was a very shy boy in his childhood, who even told the press that the young prince "had a perfectly normal badual life".

  Diana, in his own words | Netflix
Diana, in his own words | Netflix

Among the conquests of Carlos was Lady Dale & # 39; Kanga & # 39; Tryon, newly married; the young woman who did not want to be queen, Lady Jane Wellesley; the one chosen by her uncle, Lady Amanda Knatchbull; and Anna Wallace, who twice rejected the proposal of marriage of Carlos.

Besides Diana and Camilla, without no doubt, the relationship that most marked the life of the next King of England, was with Lady Sarah Spencer, the woman who introduced her to the mother of her children and this makes him one of the most hated men in the world.

Lady Sarah was the eldest sister of Lady Di and spent most of her childhood studying at a boarding school, far from her family. In November 1977, when she was 22, Carlos was invited to visit Althorp Spencer's property.

Sarah was immediately attracted to Carlos, even Diana herself badured that it was obvious the interest that she carried to the prince.

  Diana, in her own words | Netflix
Diana, in her own words | Netflix

"My sister Sarah was always on him, and I thought," God, how should you hate that? ", Assured the princess in the documentary Diana: in his own words .

Carlos, it seems, did not bother Sarah's attitude so much and continued to meet her regularly It was not uncommon to see them together or accompany them to official events, such as the legendary Royal Ascot horse race. "Sarah was really excited about all this", Diana added.

During a visit from Carlos to Althorp, the Spencer organized a big dance there, which Sarah introduced to Diana who fascinated the prince. "He came to see me after dinner and said," Can you show me the gallery? "" For a 16-year-old girl, someone like that is paying attention to you, c & # 39; Is a wonderful thing. Why is someone like him interested in me? Diana said in the same interview

Despite Carlos' obvious interest in Diana, his 30th birthday was approaching, so the pressure to find a wife was increasing, and the media did not stop at speculation. 19659017] Diana, in her own words | Netflix ” width=”886″ height=”492″ clbad=”size-full wp-image-3762090″/>

Diana, in her own words | Netflix

Because Lady Di was 16 years old at the time, Sarah was the obvious choice, however, she did a error that royalty never forgave him.

According to the book The Diana Chronicles written by Tina Brown Sarah, Sarah met journalists James Whittaker and Nigel Nelson, with whom she had lunch at a station He was honest about his relationship with Carlos, unaware that his words would appear in Woman's Own magazine.

Whittaker betrayed the woman's trust and using one of his many nicknames, Jeremy Slazenger , sold the exclusivity to the publication.

"There is no possibility that I marry Prince Charles.He is a fabulous person, but I am not in love with him." Sarah has says: "And I will not marry anyone I did not like, whether it be a sweeper or the king of England."

  own words | Netflix
Diana, in her own words | Netflix

"If he asked me, I would reject him." Prince Charles is a romantic who easily falls in love, but I can badure you that there was a compromise between Prince Charles and me. it would have happened already, "he said.

"I am a kind of whirlwind, not a person who participates in a long and slow court.Our relationship is totally platonic."

But as if that was not enough, Sarah also admitted that she had a daily newspaper with all the clippings of his relationship with Carlos. He also spoke of his problems with anorexia and alcohol resulting from the breakdown of his relationship with Gerald Grosvenor, heir to the Duchy of Westminster.

When she called Carlos to tell him what was going on, obviously he got angry and said: "You did something extremely stupid ". Immediately, the relationship ended.

 Diana, in her own words | Netflix
Diana, in her own words | Netflix

Two years later, Carlos and Diana were reunited in Petworth, Susbad, home of some friends in common, where they began a friendship relationship. According to the same Lady Di, this first night they talked for hours under the moonlight.

Diana told her that she was moved by his sadness when the prince had to walk behind the coffin of his uncle Lord Mountbatten.

"You should be with someone to take care of you," Diana told him. "The next minute he practically jumped on me – it was very strange because it was almost like he had been attracted to a magnet." But I did not think that it was too much. was correct, "remembers Diana.

Despite the rejection, the prince invited Diana to Buckingham Palace, but she refused again, which only served to reinforce the interest of Carlos, who l & # 39; Called and invited her to leave every day

  Diana, in her own words | Netflix
Diana, in her own words | Netflix

Finally she gave in and agreed to To go to Bamoral, the rest home of the royal family, where they were captured together for the first time unleashing a whole media madness.Diana was the perfect choice for Carlos as he belonged to an aristocratic family, was 19 years old , had no boyfriend and was a virgin.

Since then, his life has changed and each one of his movements was followed with great interest by the press.

That same year, Sarah married Neil Edmund McCorquodale with whom she had three children, Emily, George and Celia Rose, who was married a few weeks ago and wore the same tiara that he used. Diana at her wedding.

Sarah took her husband's family name and devoted herself to her family for many years. Over the years, she became a faithful companion of Lady Di, and after the death of her sister, she became director of the Diana Foundation, Princess of Wales, which raises funds for various charities led by Diana, who eventually closed its doors in 2012.

  Diana, in her own words | Netflix
Diana, in her own words | Netflix

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