Legends of football are pitched against Neymar and his simulations: "It's pathetic" – Brazil – 24 hours


  Legends of football are pitched against Neymar and his simulations:

Names like Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer criticized in hard terms the crack of Brazil

24Horas.cl TVN

03.07.2018 [19659005] Neymar is in the eye of the hurricane during the 2018 Russian World Cup all because of his simulations and his overtaking when he receives an offense, a situation that is reflected in the duel against Mexico. That's why some football legends harshly criticize the Brazilian star, where the strongest comes from the former English striker, Alan Shearer . " He wallows himself as he was dying That's pretty pathetic Enough we have enough … There is no doubt about his ability, he is a great player, but he is really pathetic when he wallows as he was dying .] The unusual overreaction of e Neymar after a slight tackle of 39, a Mexican player

The Brazilian player complained after a slight violation by Miguel Layún

For his part, the Englishman Gary Lineker wrote on his account Twitter that " has the lowest pain threshold of all World Cup players since the start of the statistics of Opta . "

Finally, the former goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel was not far behind and sent a message to FIFA for the attitude of Neymar

"] The only word I can think of to describe what he does is regrettable My God, I do not think he won the prize for the best player in the world. game, FIFA should monitor it and badyze its behavior. called FIFA because Neymar is not a good thing to see, now that we have the VAR, we can monitor all these simulations ", closed.


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