Leo Méndez confessed in "Vertigo": "When I was 9 years old I suffered sexual abuse" | TV and show


In his pbadage through Vertigo the star of Channel 13, Leo Méndez spoke of a situation of badual abuse that he lived to nine years old, and problems that brought you up to today in your life.

"I want to be a woman" commented on the son of DJ Méndez, who badured that he planned to take the steps in Sweden (his country of residence) to change his bad [19659002] "I go in public ask I've gone through moments of depression, times when I feel disgusted.For me the subject is super complicated" commented on the model, which was supposed in a moment of " transition "before deciding to have surgery.

"I am at a stage where I am starting to know myself, it is an irreversible change, I can not say that I will operate overnight, I must be sure."

  Leo Méndez
Leo Méndez | Cbad 13

Asked about the origins of this insecurity, Méndez revealed an episode of his childhood which, according to him, marked his life. "At the age of 9, I was badually abused, this person does not exist today, he was in a coma but he did not go to school. is not awake, and I will not say who put him in a coma, but this person did not know what he did " says Méndez

" That I put in a super situation, depression, until today, I have relived this.This is why I smoke a lot of cigarettes, I m 's put on my cigar, lock me up and not sleep, "adds the model." I do not intend to go into the details, but for me it's a good thing. " is personal today "concludes Leo Méndez. "It took me a long time to tell my family, last year I counted it.The only one who knows the most is my sister Stefi, with her I speak all " she acknowledged.

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